Sayed Mahmud Raihan Achieved Certification on Machine Learning and Data Science offered by Coursera

Sayed Mahmud Raihan is a Software Developer at DataSoft. He is very enthusiastic about machine learning and data science. Recently he achieved a certification on machine learning taken by Professor Andrew Ng of Stanford University. The course is offered by Stanford University through Coursera. Machine Learning is the idea that there are generic algorithms that can tell one person something interesting about a set of data without him having to write any specific code to that problem. Instead of writing the code, he feeds data to a generic algorithm and it builds its own logic based on that data. The course is related to represent model on the basis of data using an algorithm like regression, decision boundary, backpropagation, SVM, k-means and character recognition. The link to the certificate can be found here:
This is really encouraging for all the members of DataSoft. and we congratulate him for his accomplishment and wish him success in future.