We have developed a complete end to end Central Bank Reporting System(CBRS). It follows ETL(Extract, Transfer, Load) to prepare database for reporting. The system has the following parts.
Data Extraction Tool
We have developed a data extraction tool in T24 to extract data according to reporting requirements. It has the following features
# Fully parameterized application for data extraction
# Data can be extracted from Live/$NAU/$HIS file
# Branch wise extraction is also possible
# Application wise, field wise, local reference field wise data extraction is possible
# For same application different forms of data can be extracted at the same time
# Data extraction is possible on any valid frequency basis or ad hoc basis
# Separate T24 programs can be added for manipulation of data or extract data by linking another application
The loading of the extracted data
To upload the extracted data, user can upload manually/automatically into the relational database.
# For automated uploading, we are developing services which will be integrated in our CBRS solution; user just has to run the service as per their demand.
# To manually upload the data user has to go through few steps which is very easy for them to adopt.
# The data loading will take some time when we initiate the system. The time will very based on data volume. Then incremental data will be uploaded after every COB. So it will take very short time.
Reporting Solution
# We have developed a fully functional development environment for generating reports. It can act as a data warehouse system to generate any kind of CBR/MIS/History reports.
# We have already developed the most important Central Bank reports like SBS-2,3, CL1-5, ISS and Daily Exchange Position report, Weekly Statement, LC Outstanding and are in live operation.
# The central Bank Reports contains data from other channels also. We have the option to import data from any source. There is option manual input in our system.
# Banks task does not end after CBR report generation & consolidation with GL. Bank has to do some modification/rectification in the data following Bangladesh Bank guideline and management approval. We have also provided the modification features with management approval.
# User management features are available in our CBRS product.
# Reports can be generated in different formats.
# Reports can be generated for any backdated date/period.
The CBRS is providing not only reports; it is giving environment to develop any report as required by the banks as the data is available in database. It will also reduce load to Core Banking System which is an issue in the banks.
Since banks have to meet various Regulatory, Operational and Management reporting requirements which are ever changing, we can provide service to meet the reporting requirements of the banks.